1. Students,
with 7 years of education under their belts, still don’t know the difference
between “their”, “they’re” and, “there”. They also don’t know what “don’t”
stands for.
2. Constantly
being outsmarted by 13 year olds. Yesterday I found out that 3 of my girls have
been skipping my UIL class for the past two months. I felt about as smart as an
earthworm knowing that children out maneuvered me for so long.
3. Kids
don’t do their homework. Never. Oh yeah, there are those 2 or 3 that have it
everyday, but the majority “are too busy” watching TV and eating supper.
Because eating dinner usually takes 5 hours.
4. Laziness.
5. Tardies.
These used to not bother me at all, but this year I have a first period class
and I have 4 students who are consistently tardy. It is annoying. They don’t usually
disrupt anyone, it is the principle of the matter though.
Sorry I haven't blogged in a month. I have to post entries from work because my home internet is SO SLOW that it can't run blogger. How sad.
I had a great break, and guess what? I'm running a half marathon in May! So excited!
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