Friday, October 21, 2011

Parent Nite

I thought it would be a GREAT idea to go to the gym after work, do a short HIIT workout (I'm talking 20 minutes max) and then dash back to school for Parent-Teacher Night. HAHA

I'm laughing at my own stupidity.

3:45 PM bell rings, students leave, I rush to lounge to eat a quick snack

4:00 PM Photography Club starts (which I and another teacher sponsor)

4:45 PM Club meeting ends. It is announced that report cards are in our boxes to be picked up for tonight. Leave to gym thinking there will be plenty of time to pick up report cards later because no parent is EVER on time anyways

4:55 PM arrive at gym, change and hit the treadmill

5:23 PM change back into professional clothes, except for a decent shirt. I'm still wearing a tank top and my sweater is IN MY CLASSROOM. Shit.

5:30 PM I walk into the building, innocently assuming that no normal parent is going to show up exactly when Parent-Teacher Night is supposed to begin. I'm wrong.

5:31 PM Realize I have a dad and son waiting to pick up a report card for their son/brother. They seem shocked as me that I am in a tight tank top doing my best to hide my tattoo.

5:32 PM Realize I don't even have the report cards in my room.

5:33 PM Grab my sweater,get dressed decently, and rush down the hall looking completely paniced, red in the face, sweat still clinging to my hair to get the RC from my box

5:35 PM When I get back to my classroom, TWO MORE parents are waiting for me. what the hell? Who asked you to be on time? Not me!

5:45 PM Another teacher asks if I'm alright. Know that they will talk about me behind my back tomorrow.

6:30 PM Go home and expect to be asked tomorrow by students about tattoos and expect phone calls from concerned parents about teachers who are indecently dressed.

-tha angry teacher


  1. One letter grade drop in each subject for any parent that shows up early. Two letter grade drop for any parent that comments on said tattoos. You may have better luck teaching the parents than the kids....

  2. haha, no one has mentioned it so far, so I assume the dad didn't say anything to his son...parents are usually harder to train than their babies!
