Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I've got a problem...three actually

I haven’t written in a week + because well, I don’t know, but I’m going to make up for it by posting every day this week! What-what??

 Like most teachers, I have a few problem children. And like most teachers, they are in the same class period together. That makes for a long 55 minutes.
But, compared to last year, I still consider myself blessed with my students. Even those three boys have something I like about them, even if I dislike most of their antics. I have the feeling that outside of the classroom, they wouldn’t be completely awful teenagers to be around.
The main problem is that none of the Trio like to work. They sit, they talk, they eat candy, they stare at the ceiling, they giggle across the room at each other, they do ANYTHING they can to not work in class. I’m not offended because I know this happens in other teacher’s rooms as well with them. The members of the Trio are prone to ISS(in school suspension), going to the principal’s office, or being yelled at by teachers.
It’s actually sort of amusing to see how thirteen year old boys can get under grown women and mens’ skins. Sorta. Like when it’s not my classroom that they are being brats in.
I didn’t mention, but these boys aren’t really even friends. They don’t hang out together or seem to be anything other than acquaintances outside the classroom. But man, when you get them together in a 40 sq foot area, hell breaks loose.
I’m more worried about them than I am angry. I’m frustrated that they just don’t give a shit about anything. When I pulled Troublemaker # 1 into the hall yesterday to ask him why he wasn’t working, the only response I received was: “Meh” “grunt” *shoulder shrug* *lip smack* 

What is going to happen to these boys if they can’t find life interesting or open up with what they are struggling with? I’m super concerned about them, and it feels like there’s nothing I can do.

-tha angry teacher

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